Tuition & Program-specific policies can be found towards the bottom of each program's page.
May River Montessori admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school administered programs.
May River Montessori is not designed for children with severe disabilities or emotional or psychological problems, which may require a smaller pupil to teacher ratio and more individual help and/or specialized interventions to be successful.
May River Montessori chooses to be embracive and tolerant of the religious backgrounds of its students and welcomes the sharing of the cultural aspects of those religions in a spirit of respect. The children offer a prayer of thanks before snacks and meals. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Easter are celebrated as holidays. American patriotic holidays are also observed in accordance with the national calendar.
The main front office entrance is the only door to receive parents and visitors during the day. When arriving at the school, guests enter and exit only through the main door. The office staff will receive all visitors for a quick and simple check-in. After a visit has concluded, guests sign out using the same procedure.
May River Montessori will only release a child to his or her parent or guardian, or to an approved person listed in the child’s file. If your child is being picked up by anyone other than you or your regular carpool, submit that information to the school in the morning via online portal, or via a written note.
Simple play clothes are best for primary and toddler students. Clothing should allow a wide range of motion for this age group because so much of their work is done on the floor.
Children also need to enjoy recess outdoors when the weather permits and be able to run, play, and move freely. Please dress your child in clothes that he or she can easily manage independently in the bathroom. Please do not send your child in overalls. Tennis shoes or other closed toes shoes are required; no flip flops or Crocs are allowed.
The wearing of school uniforms is long acknowledged and researched to assist in keeping children focused on education. Additionally, it enhances a sense of unity among the children, school pride, and community spirit. Students are encouraged to express their individuality by choosing what uniform pieces to wear each day.
May River Montessori elementary students are required to dress for school in uniform. Uniform shirts may be short or long sleeve. The bottoms may be black, navy or khaki.
Please provide a small individual snack for your child each day. Remember that this is only a snack, not the size of breakfast or lunch. We find that healthy snacks are that are enjoyable and nutritious are a wonderful and important asset to your child’s day. Additional snacks are encouraged for those attending after care.
The following foods are not allowed for school lunches:
• candy
• soda drinks
If a child gets sick at school, his or her teacher or one of the office staff will call the parents to come pick up the child. The following is a partial list of observable symptoms of contagious illnesses which will prompt a call from the school:
• diarrhea
• difficulty breathing
• infected skin patches
• vomiting
In compliance with DSS Regulation #114-5-14A (4), May River Montessori may administer prescription and non-prescription medication to children only after permission has been signed and dated by a parent or guardian. A dosage schedule of any prescription and or non-prescription medication is to be supplied to the teacher and signed and dated by the parent or guardian.
Medication prescribed by a doctor must be in the original bottle, with the dosage and child’s name clearly listed on the bottle. Medicine will not be administered without the above note from the parent or guardian.
For our students in school to fully thrive, we require a minimum volunteer participation of at least one hour per family per month. Each month there are countless opportunities to get involved and volunteer. These volunteer opportunities engage our families and bring our community together in a beautiful way. Each Fall and Spring the school holds essential fundraising efforts. Getting involved in the Parent’s Association is the best way to help our school succeed.
May River Montessori is a non-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)(3) corporation. Voluntary contributions to MRM, where no goods or services are received in turn, are tax deductible as defined by the IRS guidelines.
The school is licensed by the South Carolina Department of Social Services (SCDSS) and operates under the guidelines of the Department of Public Health (DPH).
“Within the child lies the fate of the future.” - Maria Montessori
T 843-757-2312
F 843-757-4374
60 Calhoun Street
Bluffton SC, 29910
P.O. Box 2557
Bluffton SC, 29910
Website by Levitate Creative