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Log Your Hours Here:

Volunteer Hour Log Form

Thrive Policy

For our students and school to thrive fully and truly, we require a minimum volunteer participation of at least 12 hours per school year per family. These volunteer opportunities engage our families and bring our community together in a beautiful way.

During the annual enrollment process, you can select the volunteer committee(s) you would like to join to meet this requirement. Additionally, there are countless other opportunities to get involved and volunteer each month.

Our 2023-2024 goal is to log over 2,000 volunteer hours from our school families. Imagine the incredible impact of 2,000 hours on our children’s experiences! Having our families play an active role in our daily campus life is priceless.

We understand that not all families can volunteer in this capacity. Under this condition, families are welcome to make a one-time annual contribution of $600 to fulfill this requirement.