The Secondary program is delivered through an Erdkinder model where the students will experience the curriculum through an integrated approach that remains true to Montessori’s basic tenets.
As the adolescents actively prepare to enter the world they will develop the necessary independence and social skills to work cooperatively in a community and do authentically purposeful work.
Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday

• Monthly tuition payments are due every month on the 1st from July to May of the current school year.
• Semester tuition payments are due July 1st and December 1st of the current school year.
• Annual tuition payments are due July 1st of the current school year.
• After school payments start in full on September 1st of the current school year. In September, a full month along with the prorated amount for August of the current school year will be shown on your account.
The financial contract agreed to by each family is for the full annual Commission for the entire academic year for your children. The school cannot refund any tuition or cancel unpaid financial obligations if your child is withdrawn for any reason at any time during the school year.
The May River Montessori Tuition Protection Fund provides the school with assurance that your financial obligation will be paid to the school if your child is withdrawn.
The May River Montessori Tuition Protection Fund is self-funded, and all claims are subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Upon a withdrawal, a parent or guardian may submit a claim by providing a written letter of explanation and following the procedure outlined in the May River Montessori Tuition Protection Agreement.
Participation in the May River Montessori Tuition Protection Fund is required for all student accounts not paid in full prior to the 1st of August each year.
In consideration of the acceptance of this reservation into the May River Montessori School, I hereby agree to pay the required $700.00 deposit per student, which is non-refundable, unless the Program is cancelled. I agree to pay the required fees in the amounts and according to the published schedule. I understand that I am obligated to pay the Fees and Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year. For the purpose of this contract, the school year is defined as the school-billing year, which begins July 1, 2024 and ends May 1, 2025. Tuition can be paid in full, by semester, or monthly (if paying monthly, your first payment begins July 1). Tuition is due the first or 15th of each month. A $65.00 late fee will be added to your account if tuition is unpaid after 15 days have passed the due date. Withdrawal for refund of tuition obligation must occur before July 1.
No portion of any Tuition paid or charged will be refunded or waived in case of subsequent absence or withdrawal of above student, except as specifically provided for below, the only exceptions to this general rule are stated below:
In view of this obligation, I understand that the Tuition Refund Plan is being made available to me to protect my yearly financial obligation under the terms of the Enrollment Contract. This program insures fees (prepaid and due) in the event of separation according to the terms of the policy.
Should legal action be necessary to collect monies owed to the May River Montessori School by me, I agree to pay all costs incurred.
If you are interested in learning about enrolling your family, please click here to get started.
“Within the child lies the fate of the future.” - Maria Montessori
T 843-757-2312
F 843-757-4374
60 Calhoun Street
Bluffton SC, 29910
P.O. Box 2557
Bluffton SC, 29910
Website by Levitate Creative